Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Earn Residual Income Online - Blogging Strategy

Earn Residual Income Online - Blogging Strategy

A simple strategy for earning residual income online is by creating simple blogs that promote a single affiliate product. The blog should not be monetized other than your affiliate link in order to keep the reader focused. This is also known as direct response marketing.

In order to create your blog, you need to select a niche market and also do keyword research in order to find out how people search for solutions to a problem that your blog is designed to solve. Then it's simply a matter of using your selected keyword phrase in strategic locations such as the blog title, page and post titles, tags, and at the beginning of your post(s).

Once your blog is set up, you need to promote it so that it gets listed in various search engines, preferably the first page of Google. This might seem difficult to do but with the right strategy, it's actually possible for almost anyone to do this.

And once you're listed on the first page of Google for your targeted keywords, you will receive steady traffic that leads to sales of the product that you endorse in your blog. Basically, you just sit back while your blog does all the selling on complete autopilot which is the very definition of residual income.

The great thing about this approach is that you can create as many blogs as you want and each one adds to your monthly income. Forget about asking the boss for a raise...give yourself one!

I've found a great, easy to follow program that is 100% dedicated to helping newbies succeed at earning residual income online. It teaches everything you need to know about market and keyword research, creating blogs and how to get them listed on the first page of Google. The program is called $500 In 15 can learn more by clicking here